Growing Presence

"They're coming out from this side too." An Amplifier from the August Batch bellowed, leading his friends to form the first line of defence against the Frenzy Beasts. What flew out first from the Red Building of the Psychic Block were Tier 1 Floating Spiders, hundreds of them.

"We can't fight well without our weapons," An Amplifier shouted, sending a kick into a Floating Spider, turning its body into meat paste. The Amplifier then jumped high, spinning in the air as she delivered a flurry of kicks, with each kick killing a Floating Spider.

Tier 2 Skill—Skin Burst!

Her skin turned hard, resisting the attacks of the mandibles that tried to clamp her legs. Scratches formed on her skin as a result while the portion of her pant below her knees was shredded. Her flurry of attacks made the Floating Spiders target her, swarming her.