Initiation into a Healer (Part 4)

It was a sprawling desert, with the skeletal frames of animals peaking in the sands along the way. Some were fresh, with traces of blood and flesh as they were gnawed by vultures while others were mostly dull and brittle, eroded by exposure to the differing weather during day and night, breaking under the hooves of the horses that traversed past.

At the lead was the leader of the Meka Clan, riding his horse with an indomitable posture. Following half-a-pace behind, on his right was the Guru and Shishya. The remainder followed in files of three, making a lengthy passage.

The Guru adjusted her posture, struggling to keep pace with the others, displaying her lack of skill in riding the horse. She still maintained enough stability to not embarrass herself, controlling her horse. Seated behind her, the Shishya was finding it hard to remain seated, her body failing to be in sync with the horse's movements.