Wave Controller

Jyorta unleashed an aura beam by expending half his presence, creating a powerful spiralling vortex that blasted towards his foes. As the Lava Turtles were spread out, he couldn't concentrate the beam enough, intending to suppress them with the first attack before focusing on each.

But, as if they had expected it, the Lava Turtles unleashed more than twenty geysers, meeting the aura beam in the air, the collision of which resulted in the victory of the Lava Turtles. The geysers then slammed into the River Whale, sending it reeling back until it crashed into the wall at the entrance.

The force spilled all the water from its film of water; the River Whale suffered from the impact. It hadn't been able to divert all the geysers, for the quantity and momentum surpassed what its Trait could control. The slam into the walls sent Jyorta flying; just when he was about to crash into the walls, the Bundle Flea grabbed hold of him, creating a cushion using its hairs.