Team 6

"Almost there!" After locking the room, Jyorta pocketed the key and sprinted through the corridor, descending the flight of stairs by making large jumps. He even used Regen to heal the damage he suffered due to his risky untrained jumps.

His shirt was unbuttoned and wasn't tucked in. His belt was only strapped at the start. His socks were inside his shoes in which he placed his feet, pushed to the end. The only thing in its usual place was his pen that he always carried with him.

Held in his shirt pocket was a piece of paper, blank, the canvas he planned to use to take any notes. If he brought his notebook with him, he wouldn't be able to tidy his dress. So, he had left it in his room. Only when he had paced 10 steps from the room did he realise he was an Esper and could use his psychic arms to carry the notebook.