
"We have to travel a long distance while facing the attacks from numerous Frenzy Beasts. And, considering the setup this time, I have a good hunch the military academy made Spindle Bees the dominant race this time." Jyorta spoke, standing before his construct, "So, I thought why not make something that would allow us to move while staying safe and hidden?"

"It's a simple thought process, right?" He smiled, gazing at the awestruck expressions of his team members.

"This…is simple?" Rishana sighed, focusing on the construct behind Jyorta. Strewn about on the floor beside it were the carcasses of numerous Floating Spiders and Spindle Bees alike. The only one alive now was the Tier 2 Spindle Bee.

The construct was a simple boat-shaped structure that was also covered at the top, referencing its design from a Spindle Bee's spindle to be more aerodynamic. It seemed to have been made to move forwards with the least resistance.