Jyovic Bone’s Thoughts

7th Ring, Sector 12, Mansion of the Bone Family; Jyovic Bone walked through a corridor, smiling as the people of the Bone Family greeted him respectfully as they passed by him.

His back was slightly crouched, but his face was full of pride. His eyes shone with the cunning of a political schemer that had maintained practice for a long time. Jyovic Bone entered a lift and reached the topmost floor of the Bone Family mansion, opening the door to reveal a massive hallway.

On one side, a massive screen was attached, akin to a cinema screen. All the Bone Family members at Tier 4 and above were currently seated, looking tensed. The air seemed to spark from time to time thanks to the friction between the different branches of their family.

They seemed to be in chatter, discussing about some matters that decided the future of their family's line of succession.