Joint Raid

"This is how we graduate." Dalna Doppler said as she pushed the door open, sending in the Battleship first. The Tier 3 Spindle Bee had been waiting for them all along, having poised its stinger towards the entrance to bombard them into a sieve.

That was why, she sent in the Battleship first, leaping behind as she passed through the entrance. She used the Battleship as a shield to defend against the spindles shot forth by the Spindle Bee. After they had discussed their plans, Jyorta filled up its insides with numerous rows and columns of silk acting as rods that propped it up, raising its defensive structure as a whole.

After that, they poured in some sand to act as a weight, negating most of its lift. It was still able to hover on its own. This way, it made it easy to drag it around. The spindles shot forth by the Tier 3 Spindle Bee were only lodged partway into it before losing all momentum.