Just a sign

"Who are you in a call with?" Michael asked Mira. They had been inside settling the bills when Mira excused herself to go make a call outside. 

"Mia. We... were just talking." She giggled nervously.

It was now or never.

She looked at him intensely before saying, "Let's gotomyplace." She rushed the words at once, causing him to raise a brow. 


"Please... don't make me... repeat it." She cried drunkenly. 

Michael chuckled. "Seriously, I didn't hear you." 

She took in a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "I said, Let's. Go. To. My. Place." 

Mira held her breath when she saw his eyes widen. She could imagine how surprised he was. 

They had been dating for the past 4 months, yet she had never taken him to her place before. She also hadn't gone to his either, because he still lived with his parents, who were quite old-fashioned and didn't like the idea of their son keeping a girlfriend if he wasn't ready for marriage. He had told Mira his parents would compel them to get married once they knew he was dating. Since Mira wasn't ready for marriage either, they settled for never going to his place.

They hadn't taken their relationship to the next level yet, but she felt it was time. She liked him and he liked her too. He always made time to hang out with her despite his busy schedule. He told her he worked for an IT company as a senior director and sometimes, he had to leave their date early after receiving a business call. She felt they hadn't taken the time to get to know each other properly and maybe taking it to the next level would make them seem more... real? 

"Uhm... are you sure?" He asked uncertainly. "I... don't want to rush you." 

Although he sounded that way, she could see a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"Let's go. Besides, you have always been curious about where I lived." She smiled at him and saw his face light up. 

"Give me your car keys. I'll drive." He said, stretching his hand. 

"What about your car?" She looked around. They had both arrived separately.

Things had taken quite a different turn this night because firstly, she hadn't planned to drink since she would drive back home. Secondly, she hadn't planned to take him home with her tonight until she saw some couples shamelessly making out in the club and realized how long it had been since she had that kind of fun. 

"It's at the mechanic's." He replied with his hands still stretched out, waiting for her keys. 

"What about the other one?" 

"I didn't want to keep you waiting too long, my love. I had to use a cab here." 

He went closer to her and wrapped a hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him. 

She blushed but kept eye contact with him. She liked it when he looked at her like this. Like she was the only one in the world. Quite cheesy? Yea, Mira knows that. 

"I love you." He suddenly blurted out, surprising her. 


Had they gotten to that stage where they said that? 

Since she was considering having sex with him, maybe they had gotten to that point? Maybe she did love him? He was different from the other guys she had dated. At 25 years old, he already had his life figured out. His looks were exactly her type and he had the body women would die for. And now he just said he loved her. Maybe... Just maybe... This was her Mr. Right. 

"You don't have to say it back." He dropped a light kiss on her forehead. "Just hand me your keys for now." 

She handed him the keys and followed him to the passenger's seat where he opened the door for her to get in.

After closing the door, he went around the car to open the driver's side for himself. 

"The address is registered on the GPS. Click on 'HOME'." She said. 

"Yes, ma'am."

Throughout the ride, Mira's mind was a jumbled mess. 

She was taking him home for one reason they both knew!

And he had said the three words to her!

Was it because she was inviting him home? 

Did he truly love her? 

Does she love him too? 

She asked for a sign. Just a sign if the heavens didn't want her to do it. Anything at all.

But nature had other plans for her. During the drive, she kept seeing billboard advertisements, all of which decided to be motivational tonight. Some read, 'You can do this!', 'Go for it!' Just perfect!

"Wow! This is a nice place." He said in awe as he looked at the tall building. 

"I'm sure it's not as good as where you live." Mira tried to keep the conversation light to mask her nervousness. They had finally arrived. There was no sign after all. 

But whether she liked it or not, they were here and there was no going back. 

As soon as they got to her floor, she typed in the code and opened the door. 

Michael hadn't finished closing the door before he crashed his lips on Mira's, taking her by surprise. 

"Hey." Mira struggled to speak. His kiss was fierce, unlike the other simple kisses they'd had before. 

"The... door..." She reminded him. 

He seemed impatient, but he used his legs to kick the door close while he continued to kiss her. 

Mira was almost short of breath, but Michael seemed to be in another world. He made sure to explore every part of her mouth before he moved to kiss her jaw and then her neck. 

Mira could finally breathe and took a while to steady her breathing from the rough kiss before she tapped his back to remind him they were still in the living room. 

She wasn't the only one living here and even if the others weren't around, it was still disrespectful to have sex here. The best place was her room. As far as she was concerned, she was not letting James have the room and had moved his stuff to the other room that James had compelled her to take. 

"HEY!" She snapped at Michael, who wasn't giving her any ear. She was considering whether this was a good idea and didn't realize he had dropped the tiny straps of her gown and pulled it down to her waist, leaving only her bra. 

He finally gathered himself and pulled away from her, looking her in the eyes before he sighed and looked down. 

"I... am sorry. I... lost it." He said this in a deep and hoarse voice. "You are just... irresistible. I'm sorry, Mira. Please don't hate me."

The words somehow got to Mira and she blushed. Yea! She was irresistible. She had heard that a lot in her 24 years, but was he for real? 

He looked into her eyes sadly, but his eyes dropped to the lace bra covering her chest. 

"It's... fine." She assured him with a simple smile. "Please take it slowly, okay?" She took his hand and led him into the room. Once they were inside, she used a remote which parted the curtains, revealing the floor to ceiling large windows, showing how beautiful the city looked at nights. 

"Wow! It's beautiful." He gushed.

"What is beautiful?" Mira turned to ask him in a teasing tone. 

He chortled, "You, of course. You, my love." 

She smiled at him and began to take off her heels, and then she pulled down the remaining part of her gown, revealing a matching black bra and pantie.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch me?" She asked. The more she took off a piece of clothing, the confident she became. 

Michael snapped to his senses and quickly began to strip. Once he was left in just his boxers, he walked like a predator to where Mira was standing and pressed his lips to hers.

Slowly, they both fell onto the bed, and things were just about to get seriously hot when the door opened.