Shippers everywhere

While the others were helping with the cakes and pastries Mrs. Black had made specially for this morning, Rachel excused herself and returned to her room to freshen up. Her mother had given her 20 minutes to freshen up and pick up whatever she would need for the rest of the day because she was going to leave with her. 

She took a quick shower and was just finishing changing into fitted jeans and a t-shirt when she heard a knock on the door. 

She was busy picking up the things she would be needing and putting them in a luggage bag, so she asked whoever it was to come in. 


It was Mira, who was holding a plate with cake. 

"Want some?" Mira asked as she went to sit on her bed. 


"Too early. Thanks." Rachel said and continued picking her things until she heard Mira call her name warmly. When she turned around, Mira tapped the space beside her, telling her to come sit beside her.