Let's do it

When Mia saw how Leo and Zee were bonding, a genuine smile lit up her face. 

She had thought Zee would be wary of him, but it seemed like she easily recognized him from all the video calls and pictures, because as soon as she saw Leo waiting for them outside, she began to call for his attention and reach her hand out to him. 

An excited Leo had to put down his call just to carry her from Mia's arms. He was surprised at how she had recognized him and happy to finally meet her. 

That was the thing about babies. No matter how much their parents were hated, it was difficult to extend it to their babies. 


"Look at you all grown up. You look even bigger in person!" He said excitedly to Zee, who wouldn't stop giggling. 


That was the scene Louis came to see. 

Imagine seeing your brother and his fiancé outside, playing with a strange baby you've never met before. He looked at them suspiciously as he approached.