Guys This Time Are Straight Forward

"Miel- a-a! Miela Asuncion!" I'm shocked at my own answer!

That's not supposed to be Asuncion! Of all the last name in Earth, it should've be del Valle, Riego, Mercadejas, Alleje, Cordova, Monteverde, Montefalco, Vezallius, or Hidalgo! Why oh why? T_T

Don't get me wrong, it's just that it's a wasted once in a lifetime chance to chose my ideal family name.

His smile reach his eyes and damn! He's undeniably good looking. Perfect teeth, tantalizing eyes, pointy nose, and thin red lips.

"It is nice meeting you Miel." Then he pull out his right hand at his pocket, waiting for a shake.

So without a second thought I shaked his hand. "Nice meeting you too Vince."

"Pardon me for seeing your performance lately, I didn't mean to watch you but you're cute while doing that so I didn't leave but instead watch you 'till the end. I hope you don't mind." Now he reminded me of that again!

But it is really true that guys this time are straight forward.

"It's okay. I don't mind at all but you shouldn't watch a person without her knowing that you're watching. That's kind of creepy you know?"I reasoned out.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help my curiosity when I heard noises from here."

So I guess I'm really loud.