That's My Grandparents' Mansion!

I'm grateful because she didn't give up on me. So it is true that beyond a muddy ocean floor hides a very adorable and wonderful treasure. The muds are my friends in my past while the adorable treasure is Roni.

"Roni, did you mention about your ancestral house in Pangasinan right?"

"Yes. Why do you ask Mielle?"

"Will you describe details about your ancestral house?"

"Hmm, it's a mansion, it is near a beach, it has two storey, and my parents said that the Alonzo owns that place originally but sold it to my parents when they transferred."

There it is! That's my grandparents mansion! I smirked at her like telling her something she must know.

"W-Wait, your middle name is Alonzo." She asked with wide eyes and covered her mouth as she understand what I'm pertaining to.

"Yes, they're my grandparents."

"What a coincidence." She exclaimed.

Somehow I have deductions in my mind. But I want to make sure that I'm guessing it right.

"Roni, your parents are Martina Almasser and Carlos Almasser. Am I right?"

Her eyes widen even more.

"How did you know?"

Now that feeds my curiosity.