Chapter 4: Miss Have It All

I searched for his name... Louie Quinones... the CEO of Quinones Food Enterprises... My eyes widen as I saw... HIS NET WORTH. IT'S HIGHER THAN MINE...


"Huh? Grace? Are you all alright. You look like you've seen a ghost or something?" Greg asks me concerned about my shocked expression.

"Maybe she saw someone so ugly that it made her face pale or something. I mean like there's a being called "shy guy" and if you look at it or a photo of it. It'll one hundred percent kill you. Maybe Grace looked at some type of variant of it." Sungah suggested.


"What about it?" Sungah turned her head in confusion.

"It's very high... higher than mine," I said concerned.

"So what if it's longer and bigger than yours. Size doesn't really matter that much. It's about the technique. Well, mostly the technique and the consent that counts." Sungah winked.

"Are we still even talking about net worths? ALSO, WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THAT'S SOME KIND OF DISS TOWARDS MALES OR SOMETHING." I started rolling my eyes.

"Well what's the matter if he's net worth is bigger and longer than yours," Sungah asked in a semi-aggressive way.

"BECAUSE. Net worth is the value of all the non-financial and financial assets owned by an institutional unit or sector minus the value of all its outstanding liabilities. Put more plainly, an individual's or entity's net worth is defined by their total financial assets AND IF HE HAS A HIGHER ONE THEN HE IS BETTER THAN ME." I shout at her.

"Why does that definition look like you got that from google or something? Anyways! So what? Aren't you going to get vengeance or whatever you want to do and junk."

"WELL I was planning on looking down on him and then humiliating him for treating me badly but since he has a higher rank than me. I'll just make a fool of myself. It's like a peasant trying to command the guards to kill the king." I sighed... Ugh.. my plan is ruined...

"Why not just try seeing him again you know during the reunion I'm setting up you know?" Sungah stood up "I'm just going to get some napkins. I'll be right back sweeties." She winked and then left for the condiments aisle.

What am I going to do now... I know for a fact if he sees me being lower than me.. he'll just look down on me like he always does... what am I going to do... I knew this was a bad idea...

"Seems like you are now afraid to face him? Why exactly? Wasn't your goal, to begin with, was to go here and then talk with him again. For once let's exclude the revenge part and maybe just meet up with him and then talk for once." Greg comforts me. Patting my cold shoulders from my shivering.

"I mean like... Fine.. okay... I'm scared to see him again.. after how he looked down at me with his eyes. They always made me hate myself and my social standing back then but now... I still hate myself for it..." I took a deep breath confessing to Greg.

"By the way. The reunion will be like in a week or so since for some odd reason, they got some problem and stuff but..... I talked with the school and they are doing it." Sungah comes to our table once again and sat down.

"Wait a minute. How were you able to just randomly start a reunion by just calling them. The bigger question is how were you able to persuade a school to do a reunion in the middle of school days by the way." I questioned her methods... like how...

"Woman's secret... you'll need to learn a few tricks to master my tricks babe. You'll just end up like a pig if you tried my techniques.. if you do aim to use them for yourself." She gives me a flying kiss with a wink.

"Now that I think about it.. remember how we met at high school?" I said bringing up our high school life.

"Oh... hmm... let's see... honestly I don't remember much..." She said moving her cheeks cutely in a thinking manner.

I remembered it was during lunchtime... the second week of my stay at the high school. In the past few days, I've been selling my lollipops by walking to every classroom and then calling the people to buy since I'm very sociable I am able to attract many people over to me while I sell my lollipops that weren't sold practically anywhere. It was a rare food and frankly, I had my way of getting them.

The demand was strong, I sell about 400 lollipops a day which I earn at least 2k a day. These lollipops are very expensive types of lollipops... however.. I'm hearing a few rumblings that a teacher doesn't approve of me selling.

She complained that the students had so many lollipops in their mouths during her class time and this teacher was a typical Karen. Nobody liked her, she's annoying and erratic. I remember one time bumping into her in a tight hallway. I was going to sell some of my lollipops but I needed to return to class.

I asked her. "Excuse me... excuse me." She still continued to block my way so I got my body to go through her which pushed her a little.

She turned to me in a furious manner. "OW. Don't you have any respect?" She yelled at me.

I just stood there dumbfounded that I even met up with her.. she's an annoying sight to see... She looked at me attempting to intimidate me like how a cat puffs it's body up.

"Why don't you go to the principal office and learn about respect?!" The teacher yelled at me making me go to the principal.

DAMN IT! Ugh.. if I go to the principal office I won't be able to sell these lollipops and I need money to always buy that phone... my dad never really buys me anything so I am working for it.

"Why would get mad at her if you were the one in the way, miss." I hear a skeptical voice at the back. It was Sungah.. she was wearing her usual uniform, the white uniform with red blazers. She stood there, looking annoyed with the teacher. I guess she hated the teacher as well.

"Excuse me? Are you questioning my authority?" The teacher asked her sternly.

"Absolutely not. What I'm doing is, just standing up for this person after you so-called accused them of bumping into you even though they said excuse me." Sungah replied being snobby to the teacher.

"I.. Hmph!" The teacher gave up trying to get me in trouble as Sungah shut them down.

"You know selling in school is banned right? So why are you doing it?" Sungah asked me moving forward as she saw the bag full of lollipops I have.

"Just because it's banned doesn't mean it's wrong. Like how people won't bash you for doing something wrong but they bash you for doing something that they don't like and this school rather teaches us useless things that we will not use in the future over teaching us life lessons that we will actually use." I responded to her.

She giggled smiling at me. "Well isn't that a very clever answer. You know what. I like that. What's your name."

"Grace Baltazar. That's my name." I say to her.

"You know what. I thought you were just another person that I can easily manipulate because you act and sound stupid but frankly I think you are pretty smart." She winked at me.

"Uh.. is that supposed to be a compliment," I responded timidly.

"Yes... it's supposed to be a compliment because technically I said you were more assertive than the dumb people that I control easily." She giggled and licked her lips. "With looks like mine and with the beauty to even make the headmaster bow down to me. It's certainly strange for someone like you not to fall in love or at least be controlled."

"Because I don't care about popularity or ranking in society. I treat everyone the same regardless of how "cool" they are. I follow the people that are right not the people that think they are right." I responded.

"Well isn't that interesting... I hope I get to see you again sometime." Sungah waved goodbye at me and walked away from the hallway...

That's how the two of us met.. and from the past few days we slowly started becoming friends. My friendship with her wasn't superficial like how she described it with the others.

One day, I was passing by the cafeteria to see her. Singing. her enchanting voice getting everyone focused on her like she was the star of the show. She sang in the table and everyone swayed their heads like a petal dancing in the breeze to her songs.

"Could you please help me... can you get my purse on the 4th floor." She says in a flirty tone to a jock in front of her.

"Anything for you!" The boy stood up. "HEY, I ALSO WANNA HELP! "NO, LET ME HELP!" The other boys said as they all went to get her purse.

"How do you do it." I stood close to her.

"Oh.. you really just need to be pretty that's all." She flipped her hair.

"Wait! I actually said that!" Sungah from the current timeline interrupts me.

"Yes.. you said I had to be pretty like you to do that but clearly it's not about beauty and influence..." I chuckled smoothly.

It was during the sports fest it's when I asked her. How do I make someone fall in love with me?

She laughed. Sungah didn't laugh because of my request but she laughed because she finally saw me vulnerable. "For being a cold business woman.. well what I expected you to be. You come to me asking for advice on how to get him?"

"Yes... I like this no. I love him. I love him so much that I even stalk him because I always wanted to be around him." I said embarrassed.

"You see the girl. It's not that simple. You see... I'm a witch. I have magic powers..." She said to me making me question everything...

Her enchanting voice... "Are you sure? You are more like a siren?" I said

"No.. I'm really just a good singer. Anyways I am using a spell called Charm. It makes me irresistible to the people that I touch. Although I only charmed the jocks. The others followed along anyway because they saw me as someone higher." She crossed her legs, winking at me.

"So... you have magical powers... that make you irresistible to people?!" I gasped in shock.

"I mean that's not my only power but it's really my specialty well the spell I chose to master first, but I love my teleportation spell although it's a bit hard to master."

She flicked her fingers as she teleported behind me and then came back to her original spot.

"Oh wow!" I look amazed.

"Anyways if you want my help I can help you with getting the person you like." She winked at me.

"How... exactly? You can give me a charm spell of my own?" I asked.

"You can use this potion. It should last for a few hours but at least you can get him all over you for a while since my spell doesn't really last very long right now. I'm just a newbie in magic. I just got the book of shadows. Although the love potion is in the dark section of the book of shadows.." She pondered to herself as she handed me a vial containing a pink liquid.

"Are you sure this will work.." I questioned the idea.

"I mean I did the recipe correctly so pretty sure it would. Listen I'm not the alchemist type. I'm like called Ms. Have it All because I get it all. You can try or not. It's your decision.

Well... should I try the love potion... I mean I'll only work for a few hours...