Chapter 31: Walking On Thin Ice

"Honey-kin! I'm back! I have cookies.. made with my love!" I hear Isabel shouting outside giggling like a little school girl...

Well, it's now or never... I'll have to do what Louie suggested.

She opened the door... like a maniac. "Although... I heard you were talking to someone. Who are you exactly talking to? Are you so excited to see me that you are talking to yourself?" She says in her puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh. Dream on.." I mumbled under my breath. "What was that sweetheart?"

"Oh! Nothing sweetie... it's just that I have to meet up with the people tomorrow since I kind of didn't show up during last day's meeting you know after you injecting me with something making me sleep. So now, would you excuse me." I stood up and moved her out of the way.

"Where is my suit and tie. I'll have to meet them for breakfast to move the schedule." I avoided eye contact from her.

I can sense the anger in her eyes... "Why don't you eat my cookies first? I worked so hard on them you know? She pleaded.

"Uh no. You do realize that you drugged me? Why the hell would I trust you... I don't know what you added in those cookies and I'm not here to find out." I found the suit and tie in one the hospital closet... these were the clothes I was wearing during the reunion... I guess this is my only choice of clothing... BUT WOULDN'T THAT MEAN I HAVE TO LOOK AT LOUIE... private parts...

"Why don't I help you get dressed.. you must be sick... I'll love to help you." She gave me an innocent smile.

Harden your heart. She's a hoe. Be assertive as Louie said.

"No. I'm fine by myself. So do you mind? Walk out of the room I'm getting dressed." I tried to shoo her away.

"Why does my fiancee not want me to see him naked?" She objected giving me a little smirk.. how annoying!


"Fine.. stay in the room I don't really care," I said in a straight face... as I start removing the hospital gown.

"Why don't you check me out? Come to the reception and check out for me or do I have to do that myself?" I asked her coldly.

"Oh.. I'll do that when you are dressed."

THIS GIRL IS THIRSTY... UGH. "Why don't you get me some water.. seems like I'm pretty thirsty," I asked her.

"There's literally a water dispenser their sweetie... IS THAT JUST AN EXCUSE SO I DON'T SEE YOU DRESSING UP OR DO YOU REALLY JUST WANT TO GET RID OF ME SO YOU CAN MEET UP WITH SOMEONE BEHIND MY BACK IS THAT!" Her sweet demeanor grew more grotesque as she starts getting angry.

I kept my voice into a monotone voice. "No, I'm asking because I needed your help but I guess since you couldn't give me I'll do it myself." I stopped myself from dressing up and grabbed a cup.

I slowly walked towards the portable water dispenser in the hospital room. As I tried to.. I can see her over the corner of my eye, thinking of something, staring at me intently.

A lightbulb suddenly lightened up on Isabel as she started to jerk towards me. "Can I also drink from it?" She asked.

"Get your own cup," I said in a dead voice as I started to drink. My stomach growls... I'm so hungry... but I'm not risking getting sick with those cookies she made... especially her love is toxic as fuck.

"Meanie! I was hoping to drink from your cup! Since you never kiss me like ever.. so an indirect kiss would be better!" She turned giddy and fluttered.

Is she in high school or something? Can't she just act mature for just a moment?

"Right..." I said like how Louie would say it in his deep threatening voice... I continued to dress... first I took off my hospital gown revealing my shirtless body not only to me and to Isabel... OH MY GOD... WHY IS LOUIE SO MUSCULAR...

I started to blush as red as a tomato.

"Are you embarrassed that I'm looking at you?" I can see Isabel staring at me in the sidelines...

"No." I returned to a monotone voice.

Grace! Get it together! Just dress up... and cover his body! Stop trying to stare at him... ALSO, HOW IS THIS GOING TO WORK... WHEN I TAKE A SHOWER...LIKE I HAVEN'T SHOWERED FOR LIKE 2 days... AND I'M LIKE A MORNING SHOWER TYPE OF PERSON.. WELL, I'll just decide to...

Good thing he has underwear so I can't see his.. bottom part.. don't want to make this R-18.. and by the looks of things... Isabel is thirsty as fuck... I do not want to do it ESPECIALLY WHEN I'M IN LOUIE'S BODY THAT IS GONNA BE SO WEIRD.

I finished dressing up in my suit... no time for a tie.. since I don't really need that... I JUST NEED TO meet up with them.

I grabbed my phone from the table and texted Sungah to meet me in a nearby cafe from here for breakfast.. because clearly I am starving... and I'm not here to eat anything that Isabel made me.

"Come on let's go check out." I sternly said to Isabel.

She walked in front of me blocking the exit. "You know... you are very different.. from the Louie I know... I already WROTE A DETAILED CHART TO TELL WHAT MY BABY IS GOING TO DO. But you... You are destroying every possibility in my chart... you are acting very strange." She crossed her arms giving me a suspicious look.

Did SHE make A POSSIBILITY CHART? Who in the world does that?

"You know it's strange you being nice to me yesterday... eating my porridge when you always threw my food... and you talked to me yesterday... usually you would be cold... and now you are acting like your usual self... so tell me... what happened." She continued coming closer cornering me.

I need to act more like Louie... here it goes...

"Get out of my way. I do not have time to answer your questions. I have a meeting to attend to because someone here drugged me and prevented me from attending my meeting." I shoved her out of the way.

I usually don't act cold towards people but... it's how Louie acts... and she looks like she caught on that he suddenly changed... I'm going to have to act more strict.

"Now would you excuse me I'll go sign the checkout. If you don't want to do it then I'll do it so get out." I pushed her out of the way...

Leaving the room... I walked out of the empty hallway to see a nurse outside of the V.I.P section of the hospital.

"Are you Mr. Quinones?" The nurse asked.

"Yes... I'll love to check out now." I said to her.

"Alright then." She hands me a paper that I need to sign and such and I'll be able to get out of here... Actually, that turned out pretty well... I would have expected Isabel to put more of a fight keeping me here. So I guess... Louie's plan did work... if I hadn't listened then I would have been still stuck here...

I received a reply from Sungah saying they'll all be there... Alright then! Time to go to the cafe!