Chapter 52: Sungah Investigates

POV: Sungah

"What are you guys talking about? I was talking with Grace earlier.. how could I possibly be here at the same time? I looked at them confused.

"Are you serious? Because you were literally just here. You were grabbing me by the arm and telling me to go outside or something."

"I know I'm a bit of a jokester and a bit of a liar but in all seriousness I don't know what you guys are talking about..." I told them truthfully...

I can be a bit of a liar and a bit playful.. but the lies I tell are friendly lies.

"Well whatever that was.. we can just discuss it later.. we have a dinner to attend to remember?" Greg patted Louie's shoulder.

"Right.. correct. Let's head back.. I'm certain that everyone is waiting for us in our table.." Louie signaled for us to go back to our seats.

"Hey... I'll have to leave early.." I spoke up.

"Huh? Why? I thought you didn't have a date today or what?" Greg asked me.

I looked at them intently... "Well this is just worrying me that's all... a person that looks like me.. trying to lure you outside? Shouldn't you be worried about that?" "I mean that is quite worrying but it didn't necessarily harm us would you agree? If anyone tries to get Grace... I'll be sure to pummel them to the ground." Greg stomped his feet, giving me a care-free smile. I do believe that Greg can absolutely beat the shit on those guys... well if it was a normal person... but Louie mentioned the person was able to dress up.. looking exactly like me... sounding and with my own clothes and everything...

I doubt.. that this person is any normal person... I'll have to ask someone about this... someone with good knowledge of magic... one comes to mind... well he's my druid friend...

"Sorry but I'll have to go meet with someone... Enjoy your dinner everyone." I said to them as I stood up from my seat.

I can see Greg attempting to talk me out of it.. but he sighed understanding my decision.

If I'm going to figure out anything about this mysterious figure haunting Grace... I'll have to gather evidence and find out before I head over to Luther... although who am I kidding... I am so beautiful... I've just been gifted with beauty and brains! Investigating is such a piece of cake.

As I walked out... I winked at the receptionist.. he then gave me a sly wave... I then walked towards him... "So tell me cutie.. have you seen me all night."

Not that I enjoyed flirting with him.. I mean he looks too young... he'll be soo bad at bed.. he won't satisfied me.. with his size and stamina.. but I need to investigate.. so I'll need to charm him...

"Yes... I did see you a lot.. going out and inside.. all the time... what could you possibly do?" He then responded getting a tad closer to me.

"Oh I don't know.. I was hoping that I can see you coming.. If you know what I mean." I gave him a naughty wink.. coming a lot closer.. and then putting my hand at the back of his neck... I can feel him shivering like a flower dancing in the breeze...

I tapped his neck twice.. and said my incantation.. this is a vision spell... I should be able to access his memories...

His eyes glowed white as snow and a projection of light appeared in his forehead. He remained still just like a zombie... I tapped the memory in with my phone.. that should save the memory in my phone as a video... it's such a convenient to get confessions.. instead of having them lie to your face.. just collect their memory.. and you'll get it.. so let me see...

I then opened my phone and accessed his memories... It showed his first days as a child! Ack! That's too far.. also who knew a video of someone's memories have this much memory... I'll have to delete this after I see this... I scrolled forward... it showed all his memories.. all his desires all his family.. all his weird moments.. which I wish to unsee.. although...

That's a little odd.. her memories are cut.. like they don't make sense... in this memory, it shows a woman going in but when he turned around the one going in is a man... and then the woman had disappeared... Could it be that his memory was tampered with... DAMN IT! Whoever this person is.. they are one step ahead of everything...

Wait! What's that... a group of men.. similar to what Grace had encountered..entered the restaurant but it doesn't show if they walked out or not...

I deleted the video on my phone.. as I start to look at him unconscious in the ground... He'll just think of this as a dream... Well of course many people do like to see me in their dreams. I giggled to myself as I start to walk out...

Hm.. although I am quite curious... surely she must have left some magic trace here or somewhere.. I mean she did use a spell or something to look like me... but anyhow.. whoever this person was.. they don't have the best intention and seeing those group of men in his memories...

I can only assume that whoever this is.. is trying to take Grace down... well who goes their way to kidnap someone.... oh wait I did almost get kidnapped cause I'm a godsend... Hehe!

Now.. time to see my friend, Luther... I focused on my channeling.. teleporting to where he is.. well I hope his magic shop is still in the same place.. because this will be hella awkward.. also I'm not gonna walk there in heels! So I'll just teleported. I sighed and closed my eyes.. as I teleported to the location...

I drop down almost stumbling from my heels.. but getting my balance back... I smell the scent of potion in the air.. this is definitely the place... "Oh hello.. seductress..." I hear his voice... "What business do you have here?"