Chapter 62: Reconnecting With Greg

POV: Grace

After planning and resolving the issue with the charity drive. We all went our separate ways.. well time to head to my house and by my house I mean Louie's house...

"Well, that was fun! I really did have a great time! See you tomorrow! Sungah chuckled with her high pitched voice as she pranced around like a schoolgirl.

"I'll go ahead and walk you to your car. Sungah said that you got teleported here. So walking to your car might take a while. Let me help you." Greg offered to me.

"Thank you, Greg. I would appreciate that." I replied grateful for the offer.

I can see Sungah's shadow fading away from us as we became farther and farther from the cafe.. just the two of us alone. Greg and I.. walking silently in the cover of moonlight...

"Soo.. how was it working with Louie? We haven't really talked one on one for the longest time right?" I spoke, in an attempt to break the awkward feeling around us.