Chapter 72: Break Her Spirit

I hate to admit it.. but I did enjoy her being like this... I enjoyed seeing her suffering... it brings me joy.. even if it was wrong..... I know it was wrong for me to do that.. but just seeing her in shambles.. in total despair.. makes me smile.. like.. my situation was nothing when I see her upset... what is wrong with me...

"Hi, Louie..." She said to me frowning as she sat down on her seat. "Apparently I was banned from selling now. One of the students told the health teacher and now I'm unable to sell my lollipops... I'm really worried... where am I going to get my lunch money now.." She said to me worriedly.

Little did she know that I was the one who ruined her little joy... I was the one who told the teacher yesterday about her selling.. good thing the advisor didn't snitch on me...

"That's fine! You're really business-minded so I think you can think of another way to earn money!" I said to him... giving her some light of hope as a courtesy...