Chapter 79: Heads Or Tails

POV: Greg

Well, I better ask her about Luther... so I can know what happened cause she doesn't remember anything from that night... the problem is.. what if she says... She can't remember and some crap which I am totally not buying. Either she's predicting to be dumb or she really is dumb.. not risking it.

Although.. now that I mention it... I took a look at my watch on my right hand... it's noon.. lunchtime... that's when the charity drive is starting... I really wanna kill myself for calling her.. but I think she is the type of girl to know these types of things. She has connections...

I facepalmed as I got away from the crowds surrounding the booths of the charity drive in the plaza. I don't know where Sungah or Louie is but I'll be going for a bit so ya.. since this is going to turn into a stampede of crazy buyers trying to impress Mr. Yamada.. and I'm not here to be a part of that...