Chapter 83: Regrets

POV: Grace

I sighed deeply... not really intrigued with what's about to happen.. I really don't want to go to that mall... but I really have to... I mean Mr. Yamada invited me.. and a few people will be coming there as well.. so I guess I'll have to go.. although I really wonder who made the invite list...

I look at the road to see the cars stacked on each other.. this traffic is such a buzzkill... well at least having the road jammed... I will have some time to think about things...

"Are you okay young master? You seem to be in a sour mood today.." The driver asked me... he was a driver for the Quinones Family since Louie was young.. in fact, I even saw him during high school so Louie and him are pretty close with one another...

"Oh, I'm doing okay sir Nathan. It's just that I'm really worried about something that's all.." I replied.