Chapter 90: Opening Closed Wounds

POV: Grace

Sometimes I really just wonder to myself if I'm in some type of story or not... I don't know back then at the states... I had no struggles whatsoever but now I came back to my home country I always find it troublesome. Like suddenly a lot of things happened just because I came back here...

I sighed loudly as I continued to walk alongside Louie into somewhere private as he said it... why does he want to talk to me all of a sudden? I pondered to myself as I just obeyed him with no arguments whatsoever

He stops suddenly in one of the alleyways of the mall... a dark place in the mall where the bathrooms and the staff rooms are usually located although this one is empty...

"Why do you want me here exactly?" I asked him... as I see him pacing around back and forth on the marble floor.

"What relationship do you have with Mr. Yamada?" He straightforwardly asked me, putting me right on the spot.