Chapter 10: Check Him Out

"Not good.. firstly it takes long just for the permit to process the lady said it would take days or a week at most just to process." I sighed. "And then I found out who took the warehouse that we were going to get.. and trust me it's someone that I'm rather annoyed with.. someone that I have a grudge against."

"Let me take a guess.." Greg paused for a moment. "It's Louie... right?"

"How'd you know?" I asked him.

"Girl you were legit just ranting about how much you hate Louie for like the past few days. I mean come on. It's pretty obvious by now who you are annoyed and have a grudge against." Sungah added stuffing her face with food.

"Well. Not gonna lie. I was just willing to let the whole Louie thing go and mind my own business first before I exact my vengeance on him but apparently he's taking it to consideration to annoy and poke holes at my plans..." I stomped my feet on the floor of the car. Expressing my anger over the situation.

"I mean pretty sure... it's fairly expected. I mean like considering that you sell like almost the same thing which is sweets. Surely you expect at least some type of competition. It is a dog eat dog world out there in the business world." Sungah lectures me although I gagged.

"I know that..." I squinted at her before she giggled. "Well I found a new landlord so we can get a warehouse for our products..."

"Excellent." I sighed slightly as Greg started the engine of the car. "Hey.. isn't that person familiar?" Greg pointed at the car window.

"What do you mean?" I also looked in the window to see where he was pointing at... a man that's tall and dark.. wearing a black suit... AND IT WAS WHO I EXPECTED IT TO BE... THAT'S-

"Isn't that Louie on the restaurant over there talking to a man?" Sungah pointed to them.


"Well, what a small world. I guess Louie is nearby here... well, I guess it's not really surprising considering that their building is close in this area." Greg says to us at back.

This feeling within me.. after seeing him again.. I.. just couldn't help but.. feel these butterflies in my stomach. I didn't understand what I was feeling... but I knew it wasn't anger...

I stared at him smiling and laughing although in a calm expression with the man he is seated with. I just can't help but feel... uneasy because of it. The reason is unknown to me.

"Should we go out there at the restaurant and say hi to him?" Sungah suggested without any sort of logical thinking.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? WHY WOULD I GO OUT THERE! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD I HATE THE GUY FOR TREATING ME LIKE GARBAGE!" I shouted at the balderdash idea. It was infuriating especially since Sungah seems to have taken quite an interest over the situation.

"You really find my suffering this entertaining don't you?" I said to Sungah rolling my eyes at her.

"Yup. Nothing fills me with better joy than to see you losing it. I always love hanging around the studious types of people since when they panic it's like an entertaining movie.."

Those words of hers just make me really question why we are friends.. she's a total sadist!

"Well then let's get going since you don't want to go there and see Louie let's go ba-" Greg was interrupted by Sungah. "Don't you want to see him again?"

"No. Why would I want to see him agai-"

"Wasn't your plan to see him on the reunion and show how much successful you are than him now? I mean come on that's your original plan Grace. Don't go backing out of it now!" She giggled.

"As much as it's Grace's plan maybe we should finish the preparation for the new branch. I mean for god sake we don't have factory workers yet and we need to at least be registered before we start selling you know." Greg was against the idea.

"I mean true but not gonna lie.. It's gonna be boring to do all those things right now.. Who would want to read a novel about love and it's all about starting a business it would just bore everyone out! It would bore me out!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked her confused over what she was referring to. A novel about love? What kind of thing is this woman on?

"I mean no offense Grace but your life is like boring this doesn't interest me at all.. so how about meeting the man that rejected you years ago and then show off how you are so much better than him now." Sungah teased me a bit.

I grabbed my phone and searched for Louie Quinones's Net worth. "You do realize that his net worth is higher than mine right? So clearly he is the one that's higher ranking than me. Also for christ sake, my business is not even given a permit yet. What on earth possessed you to think that I would want to see him again?"

"Fine! you don't need to see him looking like yourself though but aren't you the least bit curious how he is now. The fact that he's older and even more good looking than before like come on look at that hot body. You should at least be curious about how he is doing!" Sungah attempts to tempt me to give in and go check Louie out.

"I'm getting the feeling you just want to go there so you can try to seduce with him so he can buy you stuff..." Greg chimed in before being shut down by Sungah "Shut up!"

Sungah then turns to me waiting for my answer over her request. "So what do you say? What do you want to do? Check him out or not? It's not like it's gonna hurt you..."