Chapter 95: Bratty Sister

"Ms. Baltazar, Can I ask you a question? I'll have to be very blunt on you with this one but please bear with me. This is something very important and I need to know something from you."

"What is it?" I turn to her direction. My throat is dry and my nerves are moving with anticipation.. what...

WHY IS SHE SUDDENLY STARTING TO ASK ME SOMETHING? I started to panic and sweat from the blunt and straight forward questioning. Her expression of seriousness chilled me to the bone as if I did something terrible to her... DID I KILL HER FAMILY IN A PAST LIFE OR SOMETHING?!

She took a deep breath of air. Giving me an inquiring look. "Do you like my brother?"

What... WHAT?! I

"I.. UM. What do you mean exactly by like? You mean do I relish your brother's company or whatnot? because I can't put my finger on what you are trying to tell me." I attempted to play dumb to avoid the question. I knew for a fact that she meant it romantically. I mean come on we aren't high schoolers.