Chapter 98: Marriage

POV: Camille Fletcher (Louie Quinones's Secretary)

We got in the car and we are set to go back to the office... although... it's peculiar seeing my boss act this way... he's never vulnerable in front of me... the bigger question in my mind is.. who is this colleague he is referring to?

I turn to his direction, looking at his poker face. I guess I'll never really know if he has this unidentifiable look.

"You know it's not polite to stare." He said to me, moving an inch away from me.

"OH! Sorry sir, I was just getting lost in my train of thoughts that all." I laughed it off.. although that made me a jump a little, with him suddenly just calling me out for what I'm doing.

He adjusted his way of sitting into a more stern looking one. He then sighs and said. "Please tell me what I have scheduled for this day and the next few days so that I am reminded by them."