Chapter 107: Convince You (Louie's POV)

POV: Louie Quinones's POV

She looked back at me, tight-lipped and irritated. It almost reminds me of how my father looked at me whenever I failed an exam or some kind of test.

That look of disappointment that I never wanted him to give me. Those piercing eyes stab holes into my fragile soul. She's looking at me like I'm a failure. Well in my case. My body is looking at myself as a failure.

"Goodbye. See you tomorrow." She muttered under her breath as she made her way towards the exit. She left... just like my mother did...

I clenched my fist, having to remember something from my past. I stood up and put my arms in the exit. Even if I'm smaller than her since I'm in her body. I have to stop her.

I stood my ground, blocking her exit. She looked at me surprised as I was a force to be wrecking with.

"Who said you can go without my permission." I put my arms on the door to block the way.