Chapter 115: Breakfast In Bed

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Louie shouted over the phone, totally shocked to what I said. "ARE YOU JOKING YOU ACTUALLY DID THAT?"

"Geez. Why are you yelling all of a sudden this early in the morning..." I rubbed my ears out as they suddenly started ringing, hearing my high pitched voice in the morning was not a pleasant experience.

Actually I still haven't really eaten breakfast yet and most of the maids are not even awake yet. I just decided to wake up so I can do my plan to get Louie and his father's relationship to be somewhat healthier than it was since I did believe Louie that he genuinely loves him, he just can't show it to him for some odd reason.

"Uh... well... how did he react? Did he get mad? Did he do something about it?" Louie continued to pester me with questions. Honestly, I'm not really sure myself. I wouldn't call myself a master of reading between the lines so I'm really not sure how to answer this one.