Chapter 117: What Could Have Happened.

"Anyways... I actually want to get to work for my company now. Can you send me the proposals and files I need to look over?" I asked him professionally, can't really forget about my company.

"Oh, sure! I can send them.... although the odd thing was, Sungah didn't really show up and so did Greg. I wonder what happened to the two of them." The feeling of dread started to fill me inside out. Those words chilled me to the bone. Tingling down my spine.

"They... they didn't go to work today?" I shuddered, shivering in my boots.

"Yes. They didn't, I was actually going to ask you if they sent in some kind of notice that they won't show up? Since they never told me that both of them would be absent." He answered me, clearly having no idea why they were gone.

This reminds me of that time, the one that happened last night when Greg called to tell me something...