Chapter 121: A Nightmare

I woke up in my bed, there I laid completely dumbfounded at what had just happened. The sharp pain in my neck persisted and yet when I touched it. There was no sign of any bruising or marks on the skin. I was all fine and dandy and yet everything felt so real. 

In the corner of my mind, I still remembered the scream and the terrors of what had happened before. That blanket of dread lingering over to me like a regret you've made in the past. It did truly happen! I knew it did and yet, I'm laying in my bed.

I stood up, noticing that I'm already covered with cold sweat, my heart is beating so fast from everything that has happened. I wiped it off. Looking around again to my surroundings and I was on Louie's bedroom. Just like when that day happened. Was everything just a dream? Honestly, I'm not sure myself.

Suddenly, I hear knocking from my door. "Hello master, you need to wake up!" The maid on the other side alarmed me with slight and precise knocks on the door.