Chapter 126: More Answers

Calm down! I took a deep breath... If I'm going to find the root cause of this! I'm going to have to ask someone that knows about magic... and that means... I might have to go to Greg's house so I can see what Sungah and Luther think about all this.

I made my mind to go ahead and drive over to Greg's house. Good thing, that maid already asked the driver beforehand so he's already prepared by now. It's time to go out now. This marriage proposal of Louie will have to wait. If I'm going to find more answers about what's happening I can't stay here and have them get killed.

As I made my way outside the door. I see over to the entrance of Louie's father's door where a maid is coming into his room. I guess that's the food I asked them to give him. It may not be like how I gave it on the other timelines but this will have to do although it's a good thing he's still in bed. Having him stop me now is go-