Chapter 133: Back To The Beginning

"AHHH!" I stood up from my bed once again as the nightmare from my past life had left me. Is this just a bad dream and am I finally out of this constant looping of death?!

PLEASE TELL ME ALL THIS NIGHTMARE IS OVER! I jumped up straight to look over to my phone to see that everything was still the same... It.. says.. "July 27, Sunday" meaning... it still looped. MEANING NOTHING HAS CHANGED AT ALL ABOUT THE SITUATION!

Geez.. how many times am I going to die at this rate... I already died four times... one at Greg's house, one at this mansion here, one at the pancake house where Leonora stabbed me, and the last death I had was in the hospital...

I've died so many times... is there really a limit to this torment... or do I really have to keep going over this day... I massage my head from the irritation of doing this repeatedly. God damn it. I just want this to end and just get this whole thing out my life...