Chapter 137: Eyes Are Windows To A Soul

"Oh my! I am getting quite late! You see... I was supposed to already take out multiple of my targets at this time but for some reason.. that didn't happen..." She pouted, giving us a childish chuckle as she pulled out her blood-soaked skewer. "Oh well! At least the hotel receptionist was easy to kill! Barely took me a minute! Anyways! I'm glad two of my targets are here right now! Looks like I can still catch up after all! So... would you kindly die?"

"Listen, lady." Sungah broke her silence, placing her hand on her chest as she glared at the Eyeball Collector. "I don't have an idea of who the hell you are but it seems like you're in the wrong room. So I suggest getting out now or things are going to get ugly." She attempted to threaten the woman. Who was completely unaffected by it.