Chapter 140: Reunion In The After Life?!

"Listen, if I tell you that we're going to jump off and then you'll do the spell midway the time we're falling. Can you do it?" I declared to her the plan, making her eyes widen from shock.

"WHAT? ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY? WHY ARE WE GOING TO DO THAT? HOW ARE YOU EVEN SURE THAT YOUR PLAN IS GOING TO WORK.. you ain't a physics teacher you know!" She protested, tossing my idea aside.

I placed my hand over to her shoulder and whispered. "We're going to have to take a leap of faith. It'll be up to you if we are going to get out of here!"

"That's absolutely crazy... You know that right? By far, the dumbest idea you've told me throughout the years we've known each other..." Her eyes squinted at me. Giving me a condescending demeanor.