Chapter 153: Psycho Ex

POV: Grace Baltazar

Where is Louie... I hope he's alright... it's been such a long time now so maybe I should go check on the lobby to see if he's there or not! That should be the best course of action!

As I was walking to the lobby, suddenly I felt a slight feeling of dread on my shoulders. As if a demon was blowing on my ear... as finally, I hear that voice.. that loud psychotic voice yelling and screaming to get my attention... "LOUIE! MY LOVE! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE WITH ME!

The hair throughout my body stood up from the dread, that befalls me on this day. The woman that I've seriously been avoiding is here right now. UGH! JUST CURSE MY LUCK! WHY DOES THIS WOMAN ALWAYS FOLLOW ME AROUND! 

I got down on my knees to sneak away from her, as she continued scanning the surroundings. Carefully, I made a dash over to a group of people so that she'll have a harder time in finding me BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY I-