Chapter 171:

And there it was... as we opened the door. We saw Diana pinned into the wall by Lawrence who is half-naked with a flustered and embarrassed look on Diana's face. As they both heard the door opening. They both look at me totally humiliated.

"Um.. what's going on here?" I asked the pair who was stumbling to get away from one another.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR!" He shouted as he tried to button his shirt which he picked from the ground.

I turned to look at Cypress who was calm and composed over the situation before looking back at the two, who was just fidgeting about. "Why did you have your shirt off Lawrence?" I asked him innocently.

"I.. I.. um.. it's... not-" Lawrence attempted to explain whilst his face was blushing bright red from the embarrassment, suddenly Diana leaped out of her sorry state to go and pounce towards me with a big hug as she whimpered."IT'S SO AWFUL... LAWRENCE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!"