Chapter 198:

POV: Lawrence Harrington

"CELESTINA! WHERE ARE YOU! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" I shouted loudly amongst the crowd, getting their attention as they all looked at me.

Suddenly, I feel Fatima nudging behind my back, telling me to stop. "HEY! STOP THAT. Don't just shout in public! You're giving me second-hand embarrassment!" She tells me as she hid her blushing face from me.

"How are we going to look for Celestina when there's a large group of people here?! We're going to have to call her out from the crowd or we'll take longer to look for her." I reasoned with her.

"If you shout and yell like that. You're going to get attention and weird looks from people! I don't want people to look at me like this!" Fatima pouted, hiding her face from embarrassment.