"It's too bland... just like this family."

When it was time for another dreaded dinner, Lijuan went downstairs. She took her usual seat, ignoring the glares she was receiving from both sisters who were already seated in their respective seats.

"Lijuan, you should always try to come out quickly." Her mother said to her.

"No problem. I am sorry." Lijuan apologized to her mother as if the others weren't there and began to eat.

"We were all invited for Yang Corporation's 40th anniversary dinner next week Saturday. You all should prepare well for it. And Mei Lijuan..."

Lijuan lifted her head to look at her father when he called her name.

"You are going to stay back." He said in a stern voice before he turned to look at Rong. "You, prepare yourself and your sister for it"

Mother Mei began to protest but Lijuan shrugged her shoulders indifferently and began to eat. Good riddance! She thought. Did she tell them she even liked attending their boring parties?

Rong nodded to her father's instruction and looked at Lijuan who seemed unaffected by the whole thing.

Lijuan was thick skinned. No matter what anyone did to her or the embarrassment she faced at home, she acted like none of it affected her.

"How is your lectures going?" Mother Mei asked Lijuan.

Dinners were supposed to be quiet, but because breakfast and dinnertime were the only time the family got to sit together and talk (except during the weekends when they also had lunch together) they all ignored the basic etiquette of not talking while eating.

"It's going really well." Lijuan said before smiling at her mother.

Everyone was quiet for a bit before Jiaying broke the silence...

"I heard we are having a new neighbor." She informed them excitedly.

"A new neighbor? Someone's finally taking the house?" Mother Mei asked since she was aware the only free house around the estate was the one closest to them.

"Yes. It's nice to finally have a neighbor." Jiaying said.

"I hope there is a madam I can bond with in the family." Mother Mei said with excitement. Apparently, they all liked the idea of a new neighbor.

"And I hope they have sons for your daughters...." Lijuan added sarcastically with her head still down.

"Mei Lijuan!" Her father barked, startling all of them.

"Thanks for dinner." She said before standing up.

"But you haven't eaten much." Her mother said..

"It's too bland... just like this family." She said with a chuckle before heading upstairs.

One may expect her to always be calm and respectful because she always brought shame to the family, but she could not continue that way.

For years, she always put her head down. She allowed them push her about and treat her the way they wished. She knew if she continued to do so, they would continue to frustrate her.

She could not continue to live like that. Did they think she enjoyed stealing? Did they think the embarrassment she faced delighted her? No. She was always frustrated to the point where she felt like dying. Sometimes, she even hated herself for it. But her family who were supposed to encourage her even treated her worse than outsiders.

She was going to show all of them that even if she stole things, she was going to do better than them.

She quickly wiped off the tears that escaped from her eyes when she heard her phone ring.

When she saw the caller ID, a smile appeared on her face.

"Tell me you are really dating Wang Yun." A girl's excited voice said immediately the call connected.

"You didn't call me for a week and the first thing you ask after calling is this?" Lijuan asked back with an eye roll.

"Shut up and tell me you're really dating him" The girl persisted.

"I am dating him." Lijuan said.

"Oh my God! Are you joking right now?" The girl asked back with a squeal.

"Of course I am joking, you idiot!"

"You are joking?"

Lijuan could hear the disappointment in her voice and giggled.

"I am. It's a long story. Why couldn't I reach you for over a week?"

"Long story. But guess what?" She didn't wait for Lijuan to say anything before she continued, "I am coming back in two days."

"We are going to talk about it and also talk about you and Wang Yun!"

"You're coming back? Really?" Lijuan asked while sitting up.

"Yes.. I have to go now. Take care babe. I love you." She said before hanging up in a hurry.

Lijuan kept smiling long after the call was disconnected. This was the only one person apart from her mother who knew her and totally loved her regardless of her shortcomings.

This was the only friend she had and the sister she wished she had. She had been really devastated when Ning Shan had decided to accept a job offer miles away from her.

She was definitely glad Shan was coming back, that way she had someone she could hang out with who wouldn't judge her.

Maybe the new neighbor who was moving over would have a daughter or probably a son who could end up becoming friends with her. She really wanted to have really many friends and live like a normal young lady of her age.

She wanted to be able to giggle amongst many friends, go shopping and leave with a thank you smile from the sales clerks, not a look of reproval.

She wanted to be able to share a meal with her family with everyone smiling happily and talking about their day without having to receive disapproving and disappointed looks from her father and sisters. Was that too much to ask? Oh plus a sweet loving boyfriend, yeah... add that to the list.


"The Chairman is asking for you." Yang Lei lifted up his head from his phone's screen, he had been very busy playing candy crush.

"Do you have any idea what he wants to talk about?" He asked his personal assistant curiously.

"It probably has something to do with the 40th anniversary dinner celebration taking place next weekend." His efficient personal assistant suggested.

"Boring. Can you just tell him I'm busy looking over some files?" He asked.

"But you're not. I already looked over every file on your desk. And the chairman is just out-"

"You brat!" The chairman screeched angrily immediately he entered the office.

Yang Lei quickly shot his personal assistant an accusatory look, why hadn't the idiot just said the old man was outside his office?

"Grandfather, I've missed you." Yang Lei said with a cute smile getting up to bow to his grandfather. One look at them both and one would never guess he was related to the old man. He was dark with Chinese facial features, but really handsome while his grandfather looked completely Chinese.

"You scoundrel! I heard what you said!" Chairman Yang said as he took his seat. His grandson was always giving him cause for concern, he never did as he was told.

"I was just playing around and you know it. How have you been?" He asked with a lopsided grin.

He was just going to kill his personal assistant after his grandfather left.