You don't want to see me play dirty.

"What was that nonsense you were saying in there about making cars for the average citizens?" Madam Wang followed Yun and barged into his office immediately they left the boardroom.

"It's exactly just as I said it in there. It's not so difficult to understand." He said before sitting down.

"Hahaha!" She laughed dryly before waving a hand to usher him. "You should also laugh with me since this company has become a joke to you!" She said angrily.

"You are overreacting." He said in a quiet voice as he began to go through some documents.

"I am overreacting? Do you know what the Wang Corporation stands for? You want us to stoop so low as to be producing cars for just anybody? What then is the pride of this corporation?" She asked angrily.

"This company was built to produce cars for people to drive. It does not matter who drives it." Yun cut in angrily. His mother was beginning to get on his nerves and he didn't appreciate the way she was questioning his reasoning.

"Nonsense!" She cut in. "Arrant nonsense!"

"Mother, this was father's dream before he passed away. I'm sure you know so also."

"Yes.. that was his dream decades back. Do you know what year we are in? Times have changed! Do you know how much we are going to lose by doing this?"

"We aren't going to make a loss, trust me. Imagine Wang Corporation who makes only luxury cars suddenly decides to produce cars that even the average citizens can afford. Do you know the number of people that are going to buy it? If you are worried about the profits then I can assure you we are going to make good profit out of this."

"I don't care about any of that. It's going to make us lose face in the public. How could you even think of something so absurd and voice it out during the board meeting without telling me first?"

"I am the Vice President of this company... and Grandfather is aware and understands that this was his only son's dream." Yun explained in a quiet voice.

"You are all just going to succeed in turning this company into every other normal company out there. I am not going to support this nonsense Yun. And you know your stepfather won't do so either..."

"I am going to push the plan forward whether or not you support it."

"I am going to make sure I turn every single shareholder against you. No one is going to vote for this nonsense." She threatened.

"You don't want to see me play dirty also Director Wang." He said with a small smile as he looked at her face which was now red with anger.

"I don't know what has come over you! Ever since you associated yourself with that Mei thief, you have been behaving like you have a mental illness." She complained.

Yun frowned. "Her name is Mei Lijuan and she has nothing to do with this. Stop dragging her into everything." He hissed. He didn't understand how women think sometimes.. what was the connection between Wang Motors and Mei Lijuan?

"I have to work now... you should leave... and... you really should stop coming into my office like that. It's disrespectful Director Wang." He said and almost laughed when he saw the ugly frown on her face. He loved his mother. He loved her a lot but sometimes, she was a bit extra.

"We are not done with this conversation."

"Oh God! I've lost count of all the conversations we aren't done with." He said with a sigh.

"You really should reconsider this Yun. This idea is absurd." She tried to convince him in a lower voice this time.

"I am busy" He told her while flipping through the pages of a document.

Madam Wang sighed. She just had to pay a visit to her father-in-law to discuss things with him.

"Remember tomorrow is the 40th anniversary of the Yang Corporation. I hope you are not going to pull that stunt you pulled at the last party? You better ignore that girl when you see her there unless you want me to step in." She warned.

Oh! That was right. He just remembered the anniversary and the possiblity that Mei Lijuan would be there also. He sighed at the thought that they would never stop crossing paths. But well... he decided to go anyway.

"You should go there with Mei Rong instead. I think that would dispel every silly thoughts people are having about something going on between you and that thi– girl" She corrected herself immediately Yun shot her a glare.

"I am busy." He reminded her again and this time, he used a harsher tone. He had no intention of going to the 40th anniversary or any other social gathering with Rong or anyone else until he officially ended his unofficial relationship with Lijuan.

Madam Wang wondered the crime she committed in her past life to have a son like Yun who never listened to her... Oh! She suddenly remembered she had another son somewhere. That one was even worse. Not only does he not listen to her, he doesn't listen to anyone at all.

Immediately she stepped out of his office Yun lifted his hand to massage his temple. His head was beginning to ache a lot lately.

He quickly dialed Jinhai's line. He needed to be sure Lijuan and her friend had left his house since he had left in a hurry because of the board meeting.

"Hey bro!" Jinhai greeted the moment the call connected but Yun didn't miss the disappointment he heard in his voice.

"I take it they are gone?" Yun asked without beating around the bush.

"Unfortunately so." Jinhai said in a voice laden with disappointment. He had been expecting a call from Shan who had refused to give him her number but had taken his instead.

"Why do you sound so downtrodden?" Yun asked with concern.

"I'm okay. I was thinking... how about we go on a double date? Me, you, Shan and your woman?" Jinhai asked hopefully making Yun roll his eyes.

"I don't have anything to do with her so I see no reason why I should take her out on a date or go out with the bunch of you. I have work to do." Yun said before disconnecting the call.


"You know what? I'm fed up with this attitude of yours. I'm just going to call the chairman." The hotel manager told Yang Lei who had spent half the time he had been at the hotel snapping selfies with the uniform and playing candy crush.

"You can't do that. You've endured for some days, tomorrow is the last day. Can't you just bear with me for one more day? This isn't easy for me either, you know?" He asked giving the manager a pitiful face.

"You have to go and make sure things are going well at the hall they will be using for the auction. Go and get busy else I'm going to call your grandfather!" The manager ordered.

"Fine! fine! You're all the same. I'll just use the toilet and get to it." Yang Lei told him grudgingly before going to sit in one of the toilet stalls. "Why is this game so addictive?" He asked himself as he relunctantly exited the app.

A dating site ad popped up on his screen and he suddenly remembered he had a girlfriend and almost cursed himself. He quickly signed into the 'love at first click' site and opened 'Pretty Juan's profile.

"Hey babe!" He sent with a winking emoticon. He was always fond of doing weird things, but he had never expected himself to have a girlfriend he had never seen before and who hadn't seen him also. He couldn't wait for all these to be over so he could return to his life and finally meet her. He only hoped she was as pretty as he imagined.

Lijuan who had been lying idly on her bed trying to remember all she had said and done the previous night quickly glanced at her phone when it beeped and clicked on the message when she realized it was from Yanju.

"You bailed on me." She replied with a disappointed emoticon.

"I didn't. Been having some kinda trouble at home. How have you been?" Yanju asked.

"Been good. Trouble at home? What's wrong?" Lijuan asked with a concerned frown on her face. But on a second thought, what if he was trying to trick her into giving him money? She asked herself.

He could be a con artist for all she knew, wasn't that how they always started exploiting their victims?

"Well, some things happened which threw me off... but do not worry about it. I don't want to trouble you with my problems."

Lijuan rolled her eyes when she saw the message... definitely a con artist! He got the wrong victim.