To attend to my own business.

The next day, everyone went about their various businesses; Yun spent his entire day attending different meetings, Lijuan busied herself with attending various online lectures and studying while Shan spent hers eating the wrong food!

"What? I was really counting on you to come with me." Lijuan said with a disappointed frown.

"I'm sorry girlfriend, I'm really not feeling well. I think it is something I ate... I can't go for that auction with you else I'm going to embarrass the both of us." Shan said trying to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry, what have you taken? Should I get you drugs?" Lijuan asked still sitting in front of her dressing mirror. "Are you sure you can stay alone? I can come over..."

"You don't have to worry, I got myself some drugs earlier. I guess I'll be okay soon but I just don't know when. Try to have fun and stay out of trouble. I have to go now. Love you." Shan said before disconnecting the call when she felt like throwing up.

Lijuan frowned at her reflection in the mirror. There was no way she was going to drive all the way to the resort on her own.

If she was going to go there then she had to catch a bus and maybe dress casually so as not to be harassed and probably get changed at the venue.

She quickly took off the gown she had been wearing and wore the male clothes she had 'picked' at the boutique same day she met Yun at the jewellry store. She neatly folded the white fancy gown into her backpack along with a blue strapless heel and placed the invite she had taken from her mother inside her purse and dropped it in the backpack before slinging it over her shoulder.

"Where are you going to second young mistress?" One of the maids asked when she saw her sneaking out of the house.

"Shan. Shan isn't feeling well and I need to check on her." Lijuan explained. She knew her father must have asked the maids to watch her before leaving for the Yang 40th anniversary.

"Is the chairman aware?" The maid asked while eyeing her outfit suspiciously.

"You can just tell him about it. Shan is in a critical condition and I can't waste more time talking. Bye." She said before running off. There was no time to waste and she had to return before her family got back. But even if they did return before her, she knew Shan would cover up for her.

Her mother was the most important person in her life and she and swore to do whatever would make her happy.


Yun watched the Mei family troop into the hall and waited to sight Lijuan, wondering what kind of show she would put up this time. His lips curved involuntarily as he thought of her mismatched shoes and awkward fall at the last party.

He frowned when he realized she wasn't with them. Why? Was she okay? What happened? He wondered with a frown.

Jinhai noticed the frown on Yun's face and followed his eyes. "She's not with them." He said with a frown of his own.

"Who are you talking about?" Madam Wang asked looking at the frown on their faces.

"Nobody. I was just thinking of something else." Jinhai quickly answered.

"You should go say Hi to Mei Rong." Madam Wang said to Yun. She was glad to see that 'The Thief' was not at the party.

Most of the elders were all gathered around Chairman Yang talking and laughing loudly, while the youngsters were just sitting and either talking to familiar friends or had their eyes on their phones or potential spouses.

"Yes I should." Yun agreed with a nod making his mother look at him with interest as he walked towards the Mei family table where the three ladies were sitting.

"He is coming this way sis. Don't look back." Jiaying told Rong excitedly.

"I guess he is coming to say hi." Rong said with a pleased smile as she tried to clear her throat.

Mother Mei looked from Jiaying to Rong with a disapproving frown. Had Lijuan not had something to do with Yun then their behavior would have been tolerable, but seeing how they knew he had something going with their sister and were still throwing themselves at him, she felt nothing but disgust.

Yun being one of the most eligible bachelor in the room drew the attention of most of the ladies as he walked over to the Mei table.

"Hello Madam Mei! You look beautiful." Yun greeted her with a polite bow.

"Thanks for the compliment." Mother Mei preened with pleasure.

"Hi!" Rong said turning to him with a smile which was meant to make the other ladies believe he was there for her since she was sure they must have seen the pictures of the both of them circulating online before it was taken down by none other than Wang Yun.

Yun gave her a polite nod before returning his attention to Mother Mei. "I noticed Lijuan isn't at the party, Is she okay?" He asked with a concerned frown.

"Oh! That... she didn't tell you?" Mother Mei asked with a flushed face not knowing how to answer the question. She couldn't possibly say "Because my daughter is a Kleptomaniac, her father asked her to remain at home so she wouldn't embarrass us here"

"Was she supposed to tell me something?" He asked with the frown never leaving his face.

Rong's nails dug into her palm but she tried her best to keep a straight face. Jiaying on the other hand always made her emotions obvious. There was a frown on her face as she listened to Yun's conversation with their mother.

"She's not feeling really well and had to stay back home." Mother Mei lied.

She wasn't feeling well? He asked himself in worry. How come she hadn't told him? But then, why would she? They weren't so close with each other anyway.

He looked at the three women seated there and sighted Chairman Mei having a conversation with chairman Yang. The whole family was complete except for her...

"Alone? Who is taking care of her?" He asked even though he knew it was none of his business.

"Enough of this nonsense Yun." Madam Wang said in a harsh whisper. She had come up behind him to hear what he was saying to Mrs Mei. He had said he was going to say hi to Rong and not the mother.

"How are you my dear? I'm sorry for not raising him properly." Madam Wang said to Rong after saying hello to mother Mei.

Yun simply bowed to Mother Mei before returning to his seat. He took out his phone, something he hated doing in public and logged into the dating site. When he noticed she was offline, he logged out but left a message asking if she was okay and that he hadn't heard from her that day.

When Jinhai noticed Yun's discomfort he quickly excused himself and went outside to dial Shan's number.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked with a frown immediately he head her voice.

"I'm not feeling very well." She said breathlessly before making sounds like she was throwing up.

"What? Where are you? Is Lijuan with you?" Jinhai asked in panic. That should probably be the reason she was not here right?

"No. She had to go for an important Jewelry auction at Hotel De Classique. So I'm alone... but don't worry, I got drugs." She said trying to catch her breath.

"Where are you? I need to take you to the hospital. I'm coming over right now." Jinhai said and listened as she gave him her home address before hanging up.

Jinhai quickly rushed back to his seat and spoke to Yun... "I just spoke to Shan. Lijuan went for a Jewelry auction at Hotel De Classique. I need to run now, Shan is sick and I'm taking her to the hospital." Jinhai said before rushing out.

"Where is he going to?" Madam Wang asked Yun with a frown when she returned to the table and saw Jinhai rushing off.

"To attend to his business." Yun said standing up too.

"And where are you going to?" She asked him.

"To attend to my own business. See you tomorrow mother." Yun said before kissing her cheeks and heading out.