Someone is a Chicken.

"Wait! That's it?" Yun asked in surprise.

By the time Lijuan was done with telling the story, her vision was already blurred with tears.

Lijuan nodded. "I didn't take it. I never touched it. But no one believed me apart from Shan." Lijuan said looking at Yun. 

"How old were you then?" Yun asked with a sigh. It was a touching story and he could understand Rong's pain as well as Lijuan's but he hadn't expected something like that to break the sisters apart for years!

"I was fifteen and Rong was seventeen." Lijuan said accepting the handkerchief Yun handed to her. 

"I guess I went from being sorry to being angry with her for not believing in me. I realized she was hurt but so was I too." Lijuan said with a sad frown.