The Mei girl...

"Hello there!" Jiaying finally sent a quick message to Jinhai and waited with bated breath for him to reply her. 

She waited only for 2 minutes before she heard the familiar ding of a message notification and clicked on it immediately. 

"Who is this? I hope it's a pretty lady....." He replied. 

Jiaying could not help herself from laughing excitedly. She even got up and did a happy dance around her room before she jumped on the bed to continue her text. 

"It's the lady in red." She sent with a smiling emoticon. She knew he was going to know it was her since he had sent her a bottle of drink. 

"Oh! I hope you enjoyed your drink red lady?" 

Jiaying grinned happily. She knew it! She knew he always liked her so why did he pretend like he didn't. She couldn't believe her luck. 

She could already see the both of them going out on dates and walking down the aisle side by side– Jinhai wearing a white suit while she wore a red princess gown.