Frustrated Yun

Both Madam Wang and Jenny had a frown on their faces as they watched Chairman Wang walk away.

Jenny had never felt more insulted or humiliated in her life like she had just been made to feel.

How dare the old man and Lijuan insult her in that manner? Jenny asked herself angrily.

Who told the old man about her visit to Yun's home? Was it possibly Yun or Mei Lijuan? She could guess it was Lijuan. That girl must have been trying everything possible to turn everyone against her. What a witch!

"Don't worry about him, Yun is my son and I won't let him marry that thing." Madam Wang assured Jenny.

Jenny pasted a smile on her face as she turned to look at Madam Wang, "It's fine. I guess I understand why he acted that way." Jenny said with a false smile. She could see that there wasn't much Madam Wang could do, not with her father in-law involved. So it was probably best she stepped in and handled her business herself.