
"It's going to be fine, okay?" Lijuan comforted Shan. Lijuan had excused herself from the others and pulled Shan with her to her room upstairs when she noticed how sad her friend looked. She wished it was possible to also pull Yun with her upstairs to comfort him. Jinhai's absence was making them both really sad. 

Shan sat on her bed with her face in her palm. How could Jinhai have left without even talking to her first? What kind of love did he have for her if he could just get up and leave without telling her or seeking her opinion?

"Would it be stupid of me to say he should have at least told me he was leaving?" She asked without raising her head. 

Lijuan looked at Shan with a confused frown, what did women really want? One minute they were pushing the man away and the next they wanted the man to involve them in his business.