Mail man

Yang Lei scowled as he walked around his house aimlessly. He couldn't believe the level of his boredom lately. He wasn't even finding candy crush interesting at the moment. What he wanted was human company. Someone to chat and laugh with, not his damn phone.

Who could he call to hang out with him? Wang Yun? Nah! Yun was cool but he wasn't sure Yun's company was exactly what he was craving for at the moment. A smile spread across his face when he thought of Lijuan. How could he have forgotten that she had asked to see him? She had even said she had a gift for him, and he had promised to give her a call when he was less busy.

He took out his phone and dialed her number without thinking twice. Maybe it was time to take up the offer.

"Mr Yang?" Lijuan asked uncertainly when she accepted the call.

"Just Lei please. I wanted to let you know I have a free schedule today. Would you mind meeting today?" He asked hopefully.