Creating Prizes - Woodmen V0 - Chapter 64

Brion, flying towards his home, and he had no thoughts on his mind.

He is right now not bothered by his actions this time. Brion didn't see himself as a good being.

At the same time, he didn't see it himself as an evil being. He didn't want to kill anyone.

But killing a person he was sure was an evil person who had harmed both his new student and the people around itself and will going to harm more people as time goes on and other beings did not give him any remorse.


After Brion came back to "Home" and then , He saw Armas and Sivinia was in the meditating with their eyes open and trying to improve their "INT" and had already begun to work.

Two young genius young students of his who were at the level of Order One Mage approached him and asked questions about what was going on and what he did to other gang members of Black Skeleton , Armas and Sivinia was expecting that all of them dead because of incident happened.