Turning Into The Ice - Ice Sage - Chapter 158

Afterwords of Viras over, Brion started thinking.

"At first they just looked that they taking meat and leather from the other village with giving them protection but it seems they have more evil thoughts than I thought it was"

Brion right now knew that Ice Village Community is some sort of an organization that have the control of "Ice Villages" around the "Nighiram Ice Region" which Brion learned from the Viras,

They use commissions and different kinds of economical techniques to look like they giving something in return to the village people and keep them steady without any hope or ideas of resisting to control.

In the return, they earn meat, leather, and woman from the Ice Villages and the children that they found that capable of being a sage which is using magic to cast ice spells, taken by them so that they could brainwash them and have control of them in the future.

In this kind of thing.