Elisia - Red - University - Chapter 174

After the pirates were dealt with, the space-fleet of the Red Fire Organization kept going towards the main-base of the Red Fire Organization.

Red Fire Organization founded in "Deepblue Region – Site 3" "Star 5 (Redfire Star) the planet Redfire,

At that time, the ship was managed by the crew-members and the Laroln himself was went to his room to stabilizing his new power,

As Brion watched the crew members work and manage thing inside of the ship,

He started having thoughts of creating his space-ships and fleet, with the power he has and the laws he have it should be no problem at all.

Brion had nothing to do, of course, if he wanted he could just teleport the address of the Red Fire Organization, but he was having fun anyway, With this kind of mentality, he started venturing around the ship,