Disrespect - Morsfulgur - Chapter 178

Brion looked at the eyes of Refiran and nodded as he started talking.

"Of course, it is easy to do but I will do it after you gave me a promise."

At that time after the words of Brion ended one of the women with the Refiran who serve as protector of the Refiran, showed an angry face and could not control her emotions, and started yelling. The name of the protector was Lady Nira.

"Who do you think you are to order Lord Refiran, If he says you are going to do it, you have to do it !"

At that time Refiran took a deep breath and understand why Nira got angry like this, other than himself and Loreln, there is no people know about the real power of the Brion, they just think that he was at the least at the level of Star Student have strong medical capabilities.

Loreln, took a deep breath and gulped as he looked at the Nira, he was angry and at the same time felt sorry for the Nira, what was she was thinking.