
"Well… Ko-Ko… he is…" Feng Xue didn't know how to explain…

"Forget it. I will see what he is up to this time. Let's go…" the moment she said. The dinning tables moved finally taking the shape of elevator.

Going inside… the elevator moved down…

At the place of those dining tables another dining tables formed.

What welcomed is a huge base…

Completely black in color… but their was no darkness.

"Welcome Boss" two rows of people wearing brown color uniform… having some kind of… code numbers around their chest area. Each one had had different kinds of symbols near their shoulder.

Each symbol representing their status and position.

Some had tortoise symbol… whereas some had tiger symbol few also had lotus symbol to…

"By the way who is that Man that you were saying…?" Angel asked Feng Xue…

"This way Boss…" Feng Xue took them to the place where experiments are done.

It was completely silent… nobody dared to make sound.

Though it is a torturing place… it was very clean completely opposite to the jail present in the society.

Stopping in front a cell…

Angel raised her eyebrow.

Inside the cell was a man whose face was completely bruised black and blue. Clothes tore up. Hair like an bird nest.

Seeing people coming the Man shuddered in a corner…

"I… I… am… sorry… but… I didn't… didn't… do anything… I… just… went their… I… I…" he mumbled with his hands covering his head. His voice was hoarse.

Frowning Angel narrowed her eyes.

"Hey… raise your head… Boss has come…." Feng Xue called.

The man's body stiffened… slowly raising his head… he looked up.

He saw some people he didn't know before but, he knew that the woman on center is the Boss. But he couldn't recognize Angel as she was covering her face.

Looking at the Man whose face was paler than paper.

"Ooooo…." Angel finally knew who this man was… even Sofia remembered this person.

"I… I… don't any… one… I have not offended or done any… thing bad… please… you must have… got the wrong person… please…" he banged his head to the ground.

"Well… yeah… You are right. Indeed it is our mistake…" Angel said in a cold voice.

The Man widens his eyes hearing her words finally tears started flow…

"1-8…!" Angel called.

Feng Xue responded… "I am here Boss…"

Since, Each and every person working here has some code numbers…

Feng Xue's number is 1-8…

"Bring this guy outside…" saying this she moved deeper.

"Master that guy is…" Sofia asked as she scratched her head embrassingly.

"John Alam… I called you from his mobile…" but I got forgot about him after wards….

Angel didn't say the latter half.

'That's why I thought… there is something I am forgetting… so, its him…'

" *sob*… *sob*… *sob*…" as they went deeper… a crying voice could heard.

Sofia and Hibiki looked at each other as a sudden shiver went through them…

They recognized this voice… after all it was the voice of the gentle-man-maniac…

"Uhm Master… I will go and see the new technology that Zhu-Zhu is preparing…" saying this Sofia didn't even wait for Angel's response as she ran away… as if she is being chased by some ghosts.

"Puff… haha… ha… haaha… looser…" Hibiki laughed looking at the back of Sofia. Not even realizing that this will be the last laugh of this day after wards… well… it will be opposite… hehe… he… hehe..

Moving towards the sobbing voice…

They saw in a corner at the end of way a guy was sobbing like a child lost its way.


"Ko-Ko" Angel called.

But, the sobbing only increased even more.

As if he was bullied by Angel.

Hearing this Angel's face blackened… forming three lines on her forehead.

"Now… Now… be like a Matured Person… don't be a child Ko-Ko… look at me and learn… now get up��" saying this he walked towards Ko-Ko.

Not even knowing he is walk towards a big pit.

The sobbings stopped for a moment…

"A matured person?" Ko-Ko asked with his sobbing voice.

"Yeah a matured man is handsome and can do anything…" Hibiki replied smilingly.

"Can do anything?" Ko-Ko asked filled with uncertainity.

"Yeah can do anything… Now be a grown up and get up…"

"So, can you do anything…?"Ko-Ko asked.

"Yeap" Nodding his head, he came closer… Hibiki finally realized something was wrong… he can smell the scent of heavy blood…

"Then can you fix this balloon… I just held it but it got blasted…" Ko-Ko turned to Hibiki, stretching his hands in frony of Hibiki…

Letting Hibiki see the 'Balloon' that has been burst.

Hibiki's face turned pale…

Not being able to hold himself… Hibiki squatted down and…



Vomiting his guts out. Squeezing everything he had inside.

"Big Bro… help me…" Ko-Ko moved towards Hibiki.

"Boss…!!!" screaming at high pitch… Hibiki ran to Angel…

But, Angel moved away from him…


And now it was Hibiki's turn to sob…

"What happened…?" a calm and soft voice came.

As if he is finally being rescued. Hibiki ran towards the Man.

"Jun!!... save me…!!!" furrowing his brow…

The man called Jun also gave him a disgusting look but didn't say or move like Angel.

Then he looked at Angel first… nodding at her… he turned his head towards Ko-Ko…

Whose hands were still stretched…

"This is…" even Jun was speechless.

Ko-Ko's hands that were stretched was completely covered red blood…

But that was not the scary part…

It was the 'balloon' that has been blashed by his hold.

The so-called balloon was actually a heart of a human…

That has been taken out and busted.

As for how this so-called balloon can be recognized as heart is because… they are talented…

The blood was still flowing from his hand… even at the place he sat is filled with blood.

"Ko-Ko" Angel called his with a displeased tone.

Blinking his eyes for few seconds… he turned to Angel…

Seeing her displeased look…

Ko-Ko hurridly wiped his hands to his clothes before smiling like a child.