Grim's thoughts

Breathing heavily after going another round with the ones who had woken back up, Grim looked at the 69 women passed out in the room. Taking a closer look at them, he noticed that each of them had bite marks somewhere on their bodies and looks of satisfaction spread across their faces.

'Did I... mark my territory?'

Having come to his senses properly, he couldn't help but appreciate the sight in front of him.

'Looks like having [Breath of the Beast] as my base was more beneficial than I thought.'

Increasing his stamina and primal urges, Grim felt himself brimming with power as he could probably go a couple more rounds if need be. While sex couldn't compare to the satisfaction he felt when he crushed those who opposed him, he had to say that wouldn't mind experiencing it again in the future.

Not to mention how light his body felt at the moment. Since this was his first ever sexual encounter, the years worth of cum stored in his body came flooding out all at once giving him the feeling of relaxation and loosening the tension his body had accumulated over time.

Putting his clothes back on, he couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the ballroom. About half of the noblewomen from the night were in this room with him while the other half were in the ballroom. Surely someone would have noticed by now? Not to mention that he even left a note. Not because he wanted to show off or anything, he was just curious to see how they would react if they knew that their wives were cheating on them with someone they considered trash. Creating chaos and watching it unfold before his eyes, could anything be more interesting than that?

That being said, he wasn't entirely sure how much these nobles understood from his note.

Shrugging his shoulders, he tidied himself up a little and left the room by flying out of the window.

Feeling the wind brush against his face as he flew high above the clouds, a sly smile crept onto his face as he knew that he had given all the women he fucked an unforgettable experience. Despite this being his first time, he could tell that he had gained more political power in the Clover kingdom. He already had the commoners on his side, adding half of the women from nobility on top of that almost doubled his influence in one fell swoop. And considering the fact that some of these women had more power than their husbands, he had no reason to worry about their retaliation.

While he may not care about what happened to the Clover kingdom in general, having this much political power was quite exciting. Even though he believed that violence was the answer to everything, fucking with people mentally was fun in its own way. Especially if he knew that he could get away with it.

Jail? Ha! With so many nobles backing him now that was no longer a concern.

[A/n: Corruption at its best.]

Flying through the air without a care in the world, he thought back on the royal knight tournament.

Out of everyone he had fought, only 4 people were able to take him head on. Asta, Yuno working with Noelle and Langris.

Although he could remove Langris from the list since he already seen through his weakness, the other three were still problematic.

While Noelle wasn't to outstanding at the moment, he could tell that her potential would carry her much further than this. Not that he was worried or anything, if she got stronger than she was now he'd simply beat her back into the dirt and remind her of her place.

Asta on the other hand was difficult to understand. Since anti-magic seemed to be its own thing, Grim couldn't predict the way in which he could expand upon it. Right now his weakness was that he could only fight if he was in melee distance. And while he could throw his Demon Dweller sword like that time he did to Ladros, he had no way to get the sword back if he missed. If he ever got any ranged attacks, his enemies would be in for a difficult time. That being said, if Asta ever managed to gain an ability like that, he may actually be able to fight Grim on an even playing field. Just the thought of that happening had Grim's heart racing in anticipation.

Yuno was also a special case as he was aided by the power of a spirit. Adding on the fact that he was a possessor of a 4 leaf clover, Grim couldn't even begin to imagine just how far he could go. Spirit Dive or whatever it was called boosted his power to the point that it was capable of competition with a captain for a short time. That kind of raw untapped potential was honestly scary. If it weren't for the fact that he had no way to deal with any close range fighters, Grim felt that he could have had a really good one on one fight with him.

'Looks like I'm not the only one improving. I need to train harder.'

Moving on from that something suddenly occurred to him.

'What if they become pregnant?'

Thinking about it logically, the amount he released inside of the noblewomen from the party would have any fertile women popping out babies nine months later.

'Shit! Am I about to become a dad?!'

'No no no! I'm over thinking things! From my memories of earth, I'm pretty sure a past version of me read somewhere that elves had a hard time reproducing.'


'FUCK!! I'm half human!!'


'Wait a second! Why am I panicking? If they're pregnant then the nobles will take care of them! They'll have easy lives! And if they have my genes... They'll be prodigies! Ha! No responsibility is great!'

Laughing to himself, the thought that him being half human half elf meant that the chances of those women becoming pregnant was a literal 50/50 was hilarious. It was basically a fight between his elf and human genes. And not matter which one won, he'd come out on top. 69 kids with his genes? Wouldn't they be great opponents in the future?


Screeching to a halt in mid air, he felt a weird fluctuation of mana emanating from below.

'What the hell?'


Floating out of its holster, his grimoire starting humming violently and glowing silver.

'The fuck?!'

Having never seen his grimoire react like this before, Grim's face suddenly became serious as he looked towards the location he felt that weird pulse of mana.

Looking back at his grimoire that was still humming and glowing, he decided to check out what was making his grimoire act up.