The Contract

"Marriage? Oh hell Naw! You've got me all kinds of fucked up if you think I'm bout to get married to some hoe ass trick like you!"


"Fuck. That. Shit. Biatch! Do you know who the fuck I am!! I'm Grim! THEE MOTHERFUCKING GRIM! The motherfucking Demon Slayer Grim! The one and only true milf hunter Grim! The bitch slapper Grim! The cheek clapper Grim! The no slacker Grim! The put you in a wheel chair after one night Grim! The fuck you six ways till Friday Grim! Do you understand! I will fucking molly wop your ass if you and your crusty ass momma even think about trying to trap me in some type of magical contract voodoo bullshit! You get me bitch! Cause that's who the fuck I am! Put some motherfucking respect on my name!"

Unable to stop, Grim kept throwing out words that he didn't fully understand but felt were appropriate to the situation.


"I um- well... I didn't think I was gonna lose." She whispered.

'This cunt!'

Just as he was about to explode into a rage and most likely kill her as a result, an out of nowhere humming sound stopped him.


Flying out of its holster, his grimoire suddenly flipped open and started glowing.

'What now?!'

Still irrate at the fact that he was about to get married, he was balancing on the edge of rationality.


Resonating with his grimoire, the stone he got from the fortune teller suddenly started levitating in the air and slowly flew towards his grimoire.

'What the fuck?!'

Once the two objects were close to each other, a flash of silver light broke out causing Grim and the fortune teller to shield their eyes.


By the time they looked back, the stone had seemingly vanished and the grimoire had returned to its holster.




Breaking the silence, Grim turned towards the fortune teller looking for answers.

"I-I don't know..."

"You don't know? Ha...Ha...Ha."

Starting to feel uncomfortable by his laughter, a feeling of dread sprouted in her heart.

Laughing like there was no tomorrow, Grim looked at the magic circle on the ground.

"Fuck this."

"STOP!!" The fortune teller suddenly screamed.

"If you leave the circle before the ceremony is finished you'll lose everything!"

Halting his steps, a dark aura burst out of Grim's body as he turned his head to the side and said.

"What did you just say?" In a voice so deep that the fortune teller felt it was suffocating her.

"M-My mother designed it so that whoever left the circle would lose everything to the other person in the circle."


Seeing that he wasn't responding, the fortune teller knew that she had to go into more detail.

"Look! On the back of your hand you should have a magical binding brand that looks like the magic circle on the floor."

Raising his right hand, he saw a circular look tattoo that resembled the magic circle on the ground.

"I have one to." The fortune teller said showing off the brand on her own hand.

"This is the physical manifestation of our marriage. It also acts as a transfer channel that connects us together."

"Connects us?" He frowned. "What exactly does it connect?"

"Mana, magic type, life force, everything!"

'Magic type?!'

Opening his grimoire, he saw a words forming on a page he had never seen before.

[Demon Slaying Divination Magic]

'The hell?'


He suddenly released a horrifying amount killing intent.

"You have my magic?" He asked slowly.


Having never faced such immense pressure before, the fortune teller was forced down to her knees. Looking at him now, the phantom image of a being cloaked in black carrying a scythe seemed to manifest behind his figure.

'W-What is that!!'

Feeling her mouth suddenly dry up, beads of sweat started rolling down her face as her body started trembling in fear.

Seeing her in lose control of her bladder and leave a mess below her, Grim's anger substited slightly.

"When you said that I'd lose everything if I left this circle, what did you mean?"

Finding it hard to breathe let alone talk, Grim had to lift some of the pressure off of her.

"Be-Before the ceremony is done, the person who leaves the circle first of their own free will, will have everything they have go to other participant."

"Be more specific!" He clenched his fists.

"I-If you leave now... You'll lose your magic, mana, life... and I'll gain them all."


"If you do anything that could threaten our marriage like cheating... you'll lose everything and I'll gain them all."


As if an explosion had gone off, Grim's mana started fluctuating in a wild and unstable manner.

'This is basically an early divorce!'

'And one where I lose everything!'

Growing more and more unstable by the second, the air around the two started to quake.

"G-Grim." The fortune teller stuttered having never felt such chaotic mana before.

'I've come so far... To think I'd be fucked over by a fucking marriage contract of all things! I won't allow it... I WON'T ALLOW IT!!"


"AAAHHHH!!!" The fortune teller screamed.

As he was drawing closer and closer to raging, something suddenly occured to him.

Raising his right hand, he looked at the brand and then back at the magic circle.

As if something had suddenly clicked, a sly smile crept onto his face as he focused all his attention on the magic circle.

"What are you doing!!" The fortune teller screamed as she saw him walking out of the magic circle.

Instead of answering, he kept looking forward and activated a spell.

[Breath of the Beast: Crazy Cutting]




Increasing the speed of the gray aura blades rotating around his body, as he walked forward the ground was completely torn up as the aura blades started cutting so fast that they practically became invisible to the naked eye.

"Wait! STOP!!" She yelled seeing him step on the magic circle. But to her surprise, the part of the magic he stepped on seemed to vanished as if it was wiped away.

"What the-

Grinning at the fact that his theory had worked, Grim kept walking until he was fully outside the circle.

"Now then, lets get divorced on my terms."