
With bright yellow lightning surging around him, the air crackled and simmered with power as his eyes shot wide open! His pupils vanished, his eyes a pure white glowing with unteathered amounts of energy.

With his body lowered, sparks of lightning danced around his hand illuminating his fingers and sword as he popped it out of its scabbard with his right thumb.

[Breath of Thunder: 1st Form Grim Style- Thunderclap and Flash]

Staying stationary, the lightning around him grew stronger and stronger to the point that it caused the earth to erupt and spray debris in all directions.

For the first time since reincarnating into this body, the expression on Lufulu's face was no longer one of cheerful joy, in its place was a look of pure and absolute terror.

'W-What is this!'

Watching and feeling the mana waves emenating off him, Lufulu felt himself frozen in place as his body started to tremble uncontrolably.

His palms were sweaty-

Knees knees weak

arms were heavy.

On the other hand, Grim was the complete opposite.

His hands were steady-

Sword was ready

Lightning surging everywhere like pieces of confetti.

[A/n: Had way to much fun while writing.]

Being a Lightning mage himself, all it took was a glance for him to realize the difference in their levels. The shockwaves and overwhelming pressure didn't help.


Turning around in a single motion, Lufulu turned tail and ran.

Pushing his lightning magic and speed to the limit, he crossed a vast distance within mere seconds. Unfortunately for him, with Grim's enhanced [Hyper Focus] focusing on the new spell, the amount of power he built up in and around him was starting to reach terrifying levels.

Staying still for a moment, the sound of thunder rumbled in the background as he took a single step forward.


Leaping up into the air and running on the walls of some of the remaining buildings, Lufulu's heart continued to palpitate as the terror in his chest did anything but disappear. With this body's incredible mana sensing abilities and the amount of mana radiating off of Grim's body, he knew just how far away he was from that monster!

[A/n: Even the elves are starting to call him that]

Finally able to breathe a little bit easier now, Lufulu couldn't help but internally curse.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!! What the hell was that! Even for someone possessing our blood, the amount of mana he has is not normal! And that intense level of focus! His potential exceeds even Licht's!'

Further and further he ran, brushing past several elves and humans in his way leaving behind a streak of blue lightning in his wake.

'Yes! At this speed I'll be too far away for him to find m-



Feeling Grim's mana signiture suddenly vanish, Lufulu's went wide as he slowly turned his head to the side.


Grabbing onto the side of his face, the pupiless Grim proceeded to slam his head into the side of the wall he was running on while continuing to run in a straight line causing Lufulu/Luck's face to turn into a bloody mess.

"Hugh!!" Putting strength into his arm, he tightened his grip on Lufulu's face and with a quiet grunt he threw him into the air.



Feeling the wind push against his back, Lufulu managed to regain control over himself as he saw Grim shooting up towards him.

Feeling an excruciating amount of pain from his face, he grit his teeth tightly and thrust his hand forward.

'Idiot! Throwing me into the air only gave me the high ground!'

Gathering large amounts of lightning magic around the tips of his fingers, he started rapid firing orbs of pure lightning magic.


[Thunderclap Crumbling Orb]






After activating this spell for the first time, Grim instinctively under its limitations. The most prevelant one being the fact that while he was fast, he could travel this fast while moving in a straight line. But when had limits ever been enough to slow him down?

With his ability to freely move himself through physical space thanks to his ability to fly, he watched as the orbs of lightning descended upon him.



Gathering more and more lightning around his body, he made use of his flying ability to dash to the right, then left, then right again.

'What?! How can he avoid my attacks at this speed?!'






[Breath of Thunder: 1st Form - Thunderclap and Flash Eight Fold]

Covered in yellow lightning, he zig zagged left and right, executing the spell eight times in quick succession while only slightly augmenting the power and speed in order to adapt to the situation before charging towards a stunned Lufulu.

'I-I can't stop him...'

Zooming through the lightning orbs, Grim flashed in front of him with his arm raised high.


Slapping his across the face at that the speed he was moving at caused the force behind his swing to contain enough power that it booted Lufulu out the sky and sent him crashing down towards the ground.



Landing heavily on the ground with enough force that it left a deep impression in the earth, he couldn't help but groan in pain. If it weren't for the lightning he was wearing, it was likely that he would have broken something.

'I have to get out of her-


Hearing the explosion behind, Lufulu's eyes shook as he resisted the urge to turn around.

'I-I can't get away.'

Landing only several meters away from him and walking out of the crater below him, Grim cracked his neck and faced the motionless elf.

"You can turn around now."

Audibly gulpping, Lufulu's mind raced as he thought of many scenarios that ended with him winning.

Running? He would only build up more power and catch him again.

Fighting? Only reason he could fight him till now was his speed advantage which he had lost.

Exhausting him? This weird half breed had a disgusting amount of mana that he couldn't compete with.

The only scenario he saw that didn't involve him losing, was to hope that Grim wouldn't stay motionless and build up power again while he escaped. After seeing him pull off the [Eight Fold] technique, he realized that Grim's speed wasn't much faster than his unless he stored up power.

Turning around to face him, he saw that Grim's glowing yellow pupils had returned.


Yawning loudly and stretching his limbs, Grim loosened himself up.

"First time I've ever had difficulty controlling a spell, no wonder Luck didn't have the power to help me unlock it."

'Unlock it? What's he talking about?'

"That being said." Changing his tone, his killing intent slammed into Lufulu like a tidal wave. "Luck is much more fun to fight than you."

Taking a step forward, Lufulu felt like the sky had suddenly darkened.

"You're strong."


"You're fast."


"You're a decent fighter."


"But you ran."


"Luck wouldn't do that."


"So why did you?"


Placing his hand on his shoulder, Lufulu felt the urge to drop to his knees as it took all his willpower just to stand straight.


"Shhh." Grim hushed him and shook his head.

"I'll give you one last chance okay. Since I'm beginning to grow accustomed to this spell, I want to play a little game with you."

"A game?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"Mmm." Grim nodded.

"Ever heard of tag?"